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Lettings Testimonials
Efficient and professional.
What I want to convey in this email is that your efficiency and professionalism was valued as it was so helpful to me back in 2013 when so much house renovation had been done.
Quick and diligent response.
Thanks for dealing with this so quickly and diligently, as usual. As said earlier, we really like the house and the neighbourhood and would like to stay longer.
Thank you for all the help you have given us
My partner and I have been dealing with Justin from the Leamington Spa office and he has just been great! Thank you for all the help you have given us with moving into our new home
Millie Ruck
I really am impressed
I am overwhelmed to see how quickly you pushed this one through. I really am impressed, the contractor turned up yesterday and did the job. Wahooo, I am speechless, really happy.
Great service from Loveitts
Great service from Loveitts. Recently rented a house with them, they were extremely helpful and offered lots of advice as this is quite a new experience for me. The staff were all really helpful and kept me updated regularly. Fees were reasonable and realistic too, lots of other agents trying to charge silly money. Refreshing change. Thank you!