
Add value to your home before you come to sell - our top 10 tips on making your home seem more valuable

So; you’ve decided to move and you’re getting ready to put your home on the market. What can you do to make your home look more valuable and desirable without breaking the bank. Obviously a big extension or a re-landscaped garden is going to add value, but what smaller and cheaper quick wins can you do to add potential value before getting someone round to list your property.



Redecorating is the most popular home improvement and adding a fresh new coat of paint can be done at a relatively low cost. Neutral and natural colours are most appealing to house buyers and can go a long way to giving your home a new lease of life. Go for fresh, clean colours to make the property look modern and loved.



While unlikely to be the clinching factor in a house sale, small problems and defects can create an impression of a house being run down or not well cared for. Bigger issues (like damp) should not be covered up as they will show on a survey and come back to haunt you later on. 

Things to look out for include:

  • peeling paint
  • dirty walls, especially near door frames and light switches
  • dripping taps
  • squeaky floors, doors or stairs
  • mouldy sealant in kitchens or bathrooms
  • limescale build-up on kitchen and bathroom fittings
  • badly fitted laminate flooring
  • broken lightbulbs


First impressions count and the front door of your home can say a lot about the rest of the house to first-time viewers. If you cannot afford to replace the door, make sure it looks new by giving it a power wash or fresh coat of paint. Even a new doorknob, house number or name plaque can help. Try to make your front door look smarter than your neighbours to help your property stand out. Seasonal wreaths are good for decorating your door but should be avoided in photographs when listing the property as they can ‘date’ the picture. Nobody will want to see a photo of Christmas decorations in July!


4. DECLUTTER and depersonalise

Never underestimate a tidy, clean room and pay special attention to high-impact rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom. You should also consider whether there’s too much furniture in each room as it can make the property feel smaller. Remove all of your personal effects to enable new buyers to visualise themselves living there. Photos of your family, posters of your teenagers favourite rock band and pet accessories everywhere may be the things about your house that YOU love, but when it comes to selling, you need to make YOUR BUYER love your house and so removing your personal bits and replacing them with neutral bits will help them feel less like they are in someone else’s home.



If you're not at home, pre-set the heating to come on ahead of a scheduled viewing. Potential buyers will want to know that your central heating works well and feel comfortable in your home if it's cold outside. Good lighting will also be essential on a drab day so having lamps on in dark corners will help. It's better for the viewing to take place in daylight but if a potential buyer is coming after dark, then turn any outside lights on. Candles help create a softer light and scented ones can make the home smell good on viewings too.



If you have a front garden, spend a little time sprucing it up. A few plant pots and a clear pathway can make the front of your house more appealing helping with the first impressions. If you have grass make sure you cut it.

Out the back a well-designed garden can add a great deal of value, it should feel like an extra space for entertaining or relaxing, rather than an expanse of grass. It's essential to trim borders, clear pathways and cut back any overgrown trees or bushes, particularly if they block direct sunlight into the property. 



In some areas of the country, the ability to park close to your front door comes at a huge premium and therefore, if you have the room to add off-street parking, you are sure to increase value.



Smart home technologies are increasingly important to buyers - just advertising the presence of fibre optic cables in your area could be enough to encourage buyers. Statement systems like multi-room music platforms can also make a difference.

Double glazing will also help retain heat (and keep noise out). Smart technology such as Hive, which gives mobile control over heating systems, is a feature worth considering. If a home improvement moves your Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) up a band it could add thousands to the sale price!



Kitchens are often the main focus for many buyers, it may be the first thing they look to replace or pay more for if a property has one they like. You may not be able to afford a whole new kitchen but, for a relatively small budget, painting units or replacing cupboard handles or doors are great alternatives. Good lighting and clutter-free, clean surfaces will also make a big difference. If the budget allows consider some new tiling or a splashback. Kitchens like everything go in and out of fashion, but tiling can be changed relatively easily and could give your kitchen a fab makeover.



In the bathroom, re-grouting, eliminating all limescale and replacing taps are good options. Bathrooms need to look fresh and hygienic, so paint the walls a neutral shade and ideally add a new shower curtain or a standard glass screen. In 2019, new bathrooms were fitted in 29 per cent of homes which sold that year so could be the key to selling fast and earning more.


Adapted from an article published on propertymark.co.uk
