
Government’s Autumn Statement: asks from housing industry

Brian Berry, chief executive of the Federation of Master Builders said: “As the Chancellor prepares for the Autumn Statement, he faces an enormous challenge to revive the UK’s economy. Ensuring we have a planning system fit for purpose is key to the country’s future success, which why overstretched planning departments need to be protected from any further cuts. Small, local house builders have had declining output for decades. The last thing they need is the planning system grinding to a halt as we enter a recession.

“The government has made it clear it wants greater diversity and quality in housing, which is what local house builders deliver day in, day out. Unfortunately, they are currently hamstrung by a painfully slow planning system. The government must ensure small house builders receive support from local planning teams, otherwise SME housing delivery will continue to dwindle.”

Adam Lawrence, founder, London Square, said: “The government needs to address the planning system which is holding up the supply of new homes.”

Paul Brocklehurst - chair of LPDF, said: “The planning system isn’t working and whilst levelling up and regeneration bill measures may come through in the medium to long term action is required now to strengthen the national planning policy framework to ensure delivery of land through the system. We need to ensure planning authorities get on with plan-making and they need to stop delaying because they think there will be lower numbers expected of them in the future. 

Abstract of an article: https://www.housingtoday.co.uk/news/crest-nicholson-boss-makes-planning-reform-plea-ahead-of-autumn-statement/5120487.article