It's been over 2 years since we've had an update to the How To Rent Guide, so this was eagerly awaited. After reading through, there are some changes but nothing overly drastic.
A very welcome appearance is the Governments focus on help to the disabled community of renters, and this has been expanded to include
- A new paragraph regarding accessibility and ensuring that renters know they can request "reasonable adjustments" and gives a link to a disabled facilities grant
- Explaining to landlords that they must consider reasonable adjustment requests, with a link to Foundations, for advice on adaptation
- Links to Foundations in the Help and Advice section
There are multiple updates mentioning the new Carbon Monoxide Detector regulations, as expected, although some of the wording used does not clearly define the regulations
A new paragraph has been added explaining the eviction process and what happens when court proceedings are instigated, and bailiffs instructed.
Flood risk seems to be a new topic that gains a mention, with links to flood risk area searches and a welcome note reminding tenants that landlord's insurance does not cover tenants' belongings.
Right to Rent has been added to the list of landlord requirements and expected tenant checks. With the ever-increasing cost of utilities, the mention of Smart meter installation and links to Smart GB are scattered throughout the booklet. Rent Reviews are also an expanded topic with an interesting link regarding Tribunal processes.
What did we expect? We expected a nod to the up-and-coming EPC regulation changes, which will impact a huge number of landlords, a better explanation on Right to Rent given our EU exit, and maybe a little more information on the new Renters Reform Bill (currently a white paper) seeing as the abolition of the Section 21 is part of this and made an appearance in Dec 2020.
This means that we have more booklet updates to come, but let us finish by reminding everyone that this is now a legally required piece of compliance that must be given to your tenant (before moving in or being given notice).
Click the link below to read the new government How to Rent Guide
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