
Walk-in wardrobes, are they the next major property trend?

Once solely the preserve of the rich and famous, walk-in wardrobes have in recent years become a far more accessible feature in properties throughout the UK, and are proving especially popular on Instagram with over 98,000 hashtags and counting dedicated to the trend.

However, the storage experts at Space Station claim that, unlike some social media trends, there’s also a financial benefit to this trending home improvement.

The firm has joined forces with Bruna Pani from We Buy Any House to reveal how much it costs to add a walk-in wardrobe to a property, as well as what can be gained financially and the easiest way to incorporate the trend into a home.


“In the UK, the average cost of a walk-in wardrobe is as little as £5,500. This will include everything from the structural design of the space to the individual pieces needed, such as shelving, rails and doors. Additionally, you may also need to pay a labour fee for the units to be installed, which averages out at around £22.50 per hour,” Pani said.


“Thankfully, the return on your walk-in wardrobe investment will be massively worth it, as having walk-in wardrobes on your property allows you to recoup up to 56% of your investment, adding up to a £10,000 increase in the value of your home,” Pani added.


Below, Vlatka Lake, storage expert at Space Station, outlines five tips to help transform unused space into the perfect walk-in wardrobe.

Assess your wardrobe needs


“If your home is starting to feel cluttered and you have the space, creating a walk-in wardrobe is the perfect opportunity for you to whittle down what items you know you’re going to be reaching for day to day, and those that can be put in the loft or storage.


“Once you have chosen which space you are going to convert into your walk-in wardrobe (this can be small or large, as most spaces are easy to turn into wardrobe space), it’s time to take some measurements. At this stage you want to think about what it is exactly that you will be storing; from longer items like coats and dresses to small items such as shoes and accessories you’ll need to evaluate what type of rails you’ll need before you get started.


Plan the layout


“Once you’ve identified your wardrobe needs it’s time to consider your layout and make your space allocation work effectively. Start by thinking about who will be using the wardrobe (is it for yourself or the whole family?) and once that’s been confirmed think about how you’ll divide the space. Ironing out these finer details will be key to making the build process slicker.


“If you are debating built in wardrobes, it is good to bear in mind that they give you the opportunity to be fully customisable to your needs.”


Pay attention to lighting


“If you are working with a smaller space for your wardrobe, you are more than likely not going to have windows and most walk-in wardrobes don’t. This is where lighting comes into play. It is a crucial element in all interior design, and it can quickly transform your space into something bright and clean.

“Walk-in wardrobes already come with a certain pizzazz but adding strip lighting, statement ceiling lights and even natural daylight can take your wardrobe to the next level. If your space has windows, adding blinds can help to soften harsh natural lights within your space.”


Don’t forget about mirrors


“Naturally having a mirror in a space like this adds a practical element to the design, allowing you to check your outfit before leaving, but there are also some interior design benefits to mirrors. The reflective surface amplifies natural light, making the room feel bigger and brighter and the ample option for frames means you can add an exciting element to the room.”


Finesse with finishing touches


“Once the major parts of the wardrobe are completed you can focus on finishing touches to really elevate the space. To stop your space looking dull, try adding in some bold furniture or some wall art to break up the space. Don’t forget about those accessories, putting these on display means you won’t forget about them and will make this area of your home that little bit more special.

“The overall convenience of a walk-in wardrobe is something that can be enjoyed immediately and for many years to come and will prove popular with any potential future buyers.” 


Matthew Lane, Estate Agent Today 9th August 2022